San Joaquin County

SEIU 1021

Purple Wednesdays in San Joaquin County

Like many of us in SEIU 1021, members in San Joaquin County have been dutifully donning purple every Wednesday for years. Since 2018, Region E Vice President  Taffie Walter has made it her mission to get members into the spirit to build camaraderie and show solidarity to management across all chapters.

“It reminds us we are unified and together in a positive way,” said Taffie. “It also shows management the union is still present even when we may not be in bargaining.”


SEIU 1021 members take action for SB 525 in Stockton

Last Wednesday, May 10, healthcare workers rallied in support of SB 525 in Stockton. SB 525 is legislation for a $25 minimum wage for healthcare workers to address the patient care crisis and healthcare workforce shortage. Healthcare workers are burned out and traumatized after the stress of the pandemic and the way healthcare employers disregard staffing needs. Lack of adequate staffing produced tragic results during the pandemic, and healthcare workers are leaving their profession in alarming numbers.


When an SEIU 1021 member becomes an elected official: Interview with Sol Jobrack, Stockton City Council Member, District 1

It is often said that we, as public-sector workers, elect our bosses. Having pro-labor candidates run for and win public office is vital, particularly when it comes time for contract negotiations. Who sits across from us at the bargaining table can dramatically change the dynamics of our contract. That is why when someone sitting across from the bargaining team not only has a pro-labor platform but is a union member; it makes all the difference.


SEIU 1021: It’s time to get out the vote

Over the last several years, we have seen attacks on workers’ rights across the country. The victories we secure on the streets and at the bargaining table are directly linked to the ballot box. The gains we make are under siege by management teams, often elected public officials, trying to use our country’s economic and public health crises as reasons to take away our hard-earned wages and benefits.


Signed, sealed, and delivered: San Joaquin County members approve game-changing contract

After months of contract negotiations, the SEIU Local 1021 San Joaquin County chapter did it. The new 2022 to 2026 contract is signed, sealed, and delivered: it’s ratified. Through eleven bargaining sessions, ongoing “Purple Wednesdays” worksite actions, and countless one-on-one discussions with SEIU Local 1021 San Joaquin County members across the chapter, the contract negotiations between San Joaquin County management and members for the 2022 to 2026 period have finished.

The contract was ratified, with ninety-seven percent voting in favor of ratification.


San Joaquin County Bargaining Team Updates
Stay up to date with the latest updates from the bargaining table!

UPDATE: San Joaquin County members ratify 2022 – 2026 Contract 

Our last contract with San Joaquin County expired on October 20, 2022. Below are the bargaining updates for the SEIU Local 1021 San Joaquin County chapter. The Bargaining Team’s job includes: Bargaining and making decisions at the negotiations table and working with the Contract Action Team to ensure strong activity at the worksites to support the bargaining.


Sign Up for Text Message Updates from the San Joaquin County Chapter!
These updates and announcements will keep you informed and engaged with the work of the SEIU 1021 San Joaquin County Chapter

Sign up to receive text updates from the SEIU 1021 San Joaquin County Chapter. Stay informed about what’s going on from your union’s perspective. Normally, we expect to send you these updates weekly or less often.

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Tell San Joaquin County: Our Struggle Is Real!
Rise Up, Speak Out!

Your Bargaining Team needs you! We have told the county how they are having difficulty recruiting and retaining employees. We cannot tell your hardships. Only you can. We need each member to write a paragraph or two (or more if needed) about how the low wages have impacted you and your family. It is essential that you include your name and job title. We need to emphasize to the county that they can only solve this problem; they need to know that you are more than just workers; you are people who have financial responsibilities and are part of the community.


San Joaquin County Workers Bargaining Team Election Updates!

Our contract with the San Joaquin County Expires on October 20, 2022, and a New Bargaining Team has been elected. The Bargaining Team will work with SEIU staff to bargain a new contract with County management. The Bargaining Team’s job will include: Bargaining and making decisions at the negotiations table and working with the Contract Action Team to ensure strong activity at the worksites to support the bargaining.

Print out a flyer of Bargaining Team Election Update here.


San Joaquin County Public Works wins new boots

1021 Workers at the San Joaquin County Public Works Chapter know that a good pair of boots makes or breaks the job. The goal of the Department of Public Works is to provide quality service to the community and to enhance the public’s quality of life by protecting their investment in the County’s. As part of the bargaining process, the Public Works Chapter has continually fought for the highest-quality boots possible. Our members work in underground facilities, on roadways, across bridges, and in waste facilities.


HERO pay for San Joaquin County workers!

As we gear up for another round of bargaining later in the year, we scored a significant victory for San Joaquin County chapter workers. At the January 11, 2022 meeting of the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors, it was approved that there would be a one-time COVID-19 payment for qualifying employees, totaling up to $1,000 each.

The payment will be included on your February 18, 2022 paycheck.